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How do smart thermostats work in Toledo?

December 12, 2022
close up with a smart thermostat with an orange background

Consider being able to control your home’s comfort settings by saying a short phrase or by using an app on your smartphone. Now, take it a step further and envision having a device that will discern your routine and automatically adjust. As you can see, smart thermostats are beneficial advancements in technology that are able to add more convenience, energy reduction, and even safety to your home. Continue reading to understand how they work and what they can do for you.

How are smart thermostats different from traditional models?

It’s well established that smart thermostats are a thrilling piece of home automation equipment but they’re still similar to past models in various ways. For example, they are wired right to your heating and cooling system. You can also manually raise and lower the comfort settings by touching the unit connected to your wall. But that’s pretty much where the commonalities finish.

Toledo smart thermostats link to your home’s wireless network

The all-important connection to the internet is the main way to differentiate smart thermostats from standard models. Having your heating and cooling system paired to the internet gives you access and control like you’ve previously never experienced. Essentially, you may adjust your HVAC system from wherever you are. Did you forget to turn down the settings when leaving on a family excursion? That’s OK. All you need to do is open the intuitive Vivint app on your smartphone and quickly change it. There are various other tasks you can complete with the app, like:

  • Switch between heating and cooling
  • Adjust your system to a preprogrammed mode such as sleep, home, away, and vacation
  • Switch your fan on or off
  • Get notifications when settings are automatically or manually altered

Modify HVAC settings by simply speaking a directive

Your wireless connection gives you an additional incredible benefit as you may pair your unit to an Amazon or Google smart speaker. If you want to stay comfortable on a frigid winter’s evening and you don’t want to get up from your toasty place in the recliner, just give a command like “Alexa, turn up the thermostat three degrees”.

Vivint Smart Thermostat can adjust automatically

The Vivint Smart Thermostat can take convenience to another level with its built-in Smart Assistant. When integrated into your smart home, the thermostat is able to use in-home sensors and other features like geolocation to discern if you’re home or away. In addition, this smart piece of equipment will actually grasp your preferences and change settings to match. For example, if you typically like the temperature lower over night, the thermostat will take note and adjust it for you.

Built-in safety measure to limit fire

The automated aspect of your device also is important to your safety. The Vivint Smart Thermostat features an emergency shutoff of your HVAC equipment when fire is identified to control the spread of flames and smoke. You might also program it instantaneously activate the exhaust fan to assist in venting your house.

Decrease your energy expenses in Toledo

Your smart thermostat’s power to alter temperatures on its own and your ability to change them remotely isn’t just a nice feature, it’s smart for your pocketbook. If you change your comfort levels up to 10 degrees for when you aren’t home, you can save a good deal - up to 10% on utility bills.

Customize your own Toledo smart home

Now that you have a better idea of how smart thermostats work in Toledo, it’s time to bring one into your property. The Vivint home automation professionals are here to assist. Place a call to (419) 614-6278 or submit the form below to start.